The life cycle of Exponential Tech, Tech is something i MUST get better at so here is something very relevant and history has a funny way of repeating itself
1. Digitalisation- once something becomes zeros and ones the growth curve is exponential
2. Deception - there will always be s slow growth period where people will dismiss it and the concept deceives people.
3.Disruption- people who are resistant to change will have their feathers ruffled
4.Demonetisaition- making money in tech will be what can you give for free that others pay for?
5.Dematerialisation- take away the expenses of materials for the digital world
6.Democritisation- Complete accessibility.
From Steven Kotler,
I sit here and use a free app with free wifi, free audio, free conversation platform, free marketing delivering content and hopefully something that you can take a think about. Maybe save you some money/ time or give you a clearer direction. All extremely valuable.
we are all suckers of instant gratification whats it costing you?
Chase exposure and trial by fire
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