Spirituality for performance and tactical breathing.
Only only a few things will determine the constructs of your reality or “the” reality depending on your beliefs. One will be your intention, what do you intend on doing or being or feeling or having?? The second will be what you focus on, is it one thing or multiple things? There have been numerous accounts in which peoples contribution to the world have been overlooked because they have had more then ONE focus and their name in the history books has fallen by the way side. If your mind is giant cloud of seemingly endless “stuff” how many things are you trying to focus on? Using lasers as a metaphor…all its power concentrated on 1 point will cut through anything in due time.if the forces of the laser was hitting separate components then there would NEVER be a breakthrough.
It’s only in the down time that you can really grasp anything remotely spiritual. When everything is traveling exactly how you want it then please continue doing that and being happyJ there will always be troughs and unpleasant surprises. In these times is when we can discover our true impermanent s and irrelevance that we are here for the merest moment. It is only when we can wake up to the reality that there will be billions of people after us and before us that we know nothing and that “self” goes out the window. …This is when you can leave your blueprint on this world to experience all the joys and wonder this existence has to offer.
We all will encounter very large and very small challenges during our time here but the solution to all existing challenges does not live in the same atmosphere. We are conditioned to experience reality through the extremely limited 5 senses. Touch, taste, smell, sight, sound. What would your experience be if you maintained the 5 senses but removed all notions of thought? …. Weird? Wonderful? Liberating? I don’t know. Keeping in mind that we are creatures living on this planet with a s%^& load of other creatures that have insane abilities like sonar, light recognition, frequency and vibration recognition ….so what information, data and other forces are we potentially missing out on that could be the answer to that irritability you have been feeling? This is my version of spirituality.
I don’t choose to believe in God because it places a symbol on something that means a million different things to different people. I do believe we are connected to all living things, pretty hard to deny when we are literally made of the same 4 key components J so why can we not have access to all phenomena? Truth is we can but we are taught to be obedient, compliant, and play by the rules…. we get rewarded for the above which is a nice way of saying THNK YOU FOR FOLLOWING THE MASSES AND CONTINUING THE MARCH OF MEDOCRITY. Anything described by science has to travel through the 5 senses to be understood by our very limited version of reality and not to mention the bias and opinions of the scientist conducting the research (YouTube Neil Degrasse Tyson BRILLIANT). On the thinking of NDT he notes something very thought provoking. We are only 1% different to common apes and it seems as though we are worlds and worlds ahead. What if there existed another consciousness that was 1% higher than us?? Do you think they would want to be involved with us? With no trust in the political parties with any TRUE leaders, no trust in what we get fed with on television and a constant state of “threat” with the economy and “terrorism” hahahaha nope because it’s a train wreck
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